Healthy Volunteer Recruitment

Welcome to the future of translational and early clinical development.
Scientifically driven with access to multiple centres of excellence.
Customisable full service underpinned by the highest quality clinical conduct.
World-leading patient and healthy volunteer recruitment capabilities.
Delivering the best value solution for early clinical development.
Charité Research Organisation has a substantial database of healthy volunteers. We supplement this with study-specific marketing. Typically, we are randomising n=24-80 subjects for individual studies. However, we are also enrolling many more subjects for certain types of studies. For example, Phase I biosimilar studies often require us to randomise more than n=200 healthy subjects. Nutritional intervention studies often require more than n=300 subjects to be recruited, screened and randomised. As with patients, efficiently enrolling large numbers of healthy volunteers requires a fundamental understanding of the challenges presented by different types of studies.
For instance, First Time in Human studies present different challenges to biosimilar studies. First Time in Human studies typically utilise a dose escalation design. This means volunteers are often asked to be particularly flexible in terms of the timing of their participation. Additionally, no prior clinical data is available to present to volunteers.
Biosimilar studies have a different design. This allows more predictable planning in terms of timing of participation. However, the availability of extensive adverse event data for the marketed biologic requires that special attention is needed when explaining it to the volunteers.
Clinical Pharmacology (Biosimilar)
n=210 subjects in a single-centre setting
12 per week
Direct-to-subject marketing and existing database
Get in touch with our Business Development Team to find out how Charité Research Organisation can deliver optimal value for your early clinical research projects and help you reach Proof of Concept faster.
Patienten und Probanden erreichen uns unter (030) 450 539 210.
Please feel free to discuss your early clinical trials with us. Your message will be received attentively by our business development team. We come back to you with feedback from our clinicians and project management experts....
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